a dream...
-Hi my friends i have an idea , you see the abondoned bulding , why not do a pj party .
-You are crazy Maiya .
-What do you sing noah
-Why not
-Yes thanks you
-Friends come to see we are on water
-Noah wake up, wake uo !!!
-We are to midle a sea
-Help !
- We are alone , and the bulding
-It is cold here!
-Yes but we will get warm.
-Why not go explore the bulding , all the broken glass, friends there are a food dispenger and there are a stock,take a biscuit for the Pj party .
-Ok but not much Maiya
-Good Pj party to all!!!Boys
-Friends come to see we are on water
- What ?
-Noah wake up, wake up !!!
-we are on whater to sea
-help !
-Help !
-We are alone we use a bulding like a boat
-Friends wake uo is just a dream
Anna avetisyan
Lizy seguinot